Max. Mark : 360

Time :1.30 Min.

Subject: Biology


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.1. The embryogenesis is the process of development of

embryo from the zygote. During this process zygote


(1) Meiosis

(2) Cleavage only

(3) Cell differentiation only

(4) Both cleavage and cell diff34rentiation

02. Most diverse macromolecules, found in the cell both

physically and chemically are

(1) Proteins (2) Carbohydrates

(3) Nucleic acids (4) Lipids

03. The element which helps in oxygen evolution in the

process of photosynthesis is

(1) Zn and Mn (2) Mo and Cl

(3) B and Mg (4) Cl and Mn

04. Although much carbon dioxide is carried in the blood,

yet bloods does not become acidic because

(1) Co2 is continuously diffused through the tissues and

is not allowed to accumulate

(2) Co2 combines with water to form H2Co3 which is

neutralized by Na2 co3

(3) in Co2 transport, blood buffers play an important


(4) Co2 is absorbed by leucocytes

05. The science of rearing, feeding, care, breeding and

utilization of animals is called

(1) Poultry

(2) Veterinary science

(3) Animal husbandry

(4) Dairy science

06. Which of the following statement is correct regarding

blood pressure?

(1) 130/90 mm Hg is considered high and requires


(2) 10/55 mm Hg is considered an ideal blood pressure

(3) 105/50 mm Hg makes one very active

(4) 190/110 mm Hg may harm vital organs like brain

and kidney

07. If the base sequence in one chain of DNA I GCATG,

what shall be the sequence in the replicated

complementary strand



08. Collar cells form the lining of spongocoel in

(1) Jelly fish (2) Sycon

(3) Taenia (4) Pila

09. Chose the option that is showing the correct sequence

of events occurring in each cycle of polymerase chain

reaction (PCR).

(1) Denaturation, extension, primer annealing.

(2) Primer annealing, denaturation, extension.

(3) Denaturation, Primer annealing, extension.

(4) Extension, Primer annealing, denaturation.

10. In which of the reactions of the following reactions of

glycolysis, a molecule of water is removed from the


(1) Fructose-6-phosphate Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate

(2) 3-phosphate-glyceraldehde 1,3bisphosphoglycric acid

(3) PEP pyruvic acid

(4) 2-phosphoglycerate PEP

11. The cell junctions called tight, adhering and gap

junctions are found in

(1) Muscular tissue

(2) Connective tissue

(3) Epithelial tissue

(4) Neural tissue

12. Which one of the following is not included under Insitu


(1) Botanical garden

(2) Biosphere reserve

(3) National Park

(4) Sanctuary

13. A new crop, that is the source of a high performance

lubricants is

(1) Simmondsia chinensis

(2) Parthenium argentatum

(3) Psophocarpus tetragonolobus

(4) Leucaena leucocephala

14. The term test-tube baby implies that

(1) Fertilization of ovum takes place in uterus but

develops in the test-tube

(2) Fertilization of ovum takes place in the test-tube

and develops in test-tube itself

(3) Fertilization of ovum takes place in test-tube but it

develops in the uterus

(4) Fertilization of ovum takes place in the test-tube

and embryo develops in the uterus

15. With respect to the sodium-potassium pump, what

changes will be observe when one molecule of ATP is

used during the process?

(1) 3 ions of Na+ are pumped out and 2 K+ are taken


(2) 3 ions of Na+ are taken in and 2k+ are pumped out

(3) 2 ions of Na+ are thrown out and 3K+ are absorbed

(4) 3 ions of k+ are absorbed, 3Na+ are pumped out

16. Which of the following soil bacterium produces a

protein/chemical that is toxic to insect pests?

(1) Proteobacteria

(2) Bacillus thruingiensis

(3) Spirochaetes

(4) Trichoderma

17. What sarcomere?

(1) Part between two H-lines

(2) Part between two A- lines

(3) Part between two I-bands

(4) Part between two Z-lines

18. The site of ADA production in the body is

(1) Neutrophils (2) Lymphocytes

(3) Blood plasma (4) Monocytes


19. Which one of the following utilize molecular nitrogen

(N2) as a nutrient for growth?

(1) Rhizobium (2) Spirogyra

(3) Mucor (4) Methanococcus

20. Tobacco and Petunia belong to the family

(1) Poaceae (2) Fabaceae

(3) Solanaceae (4) Brassicaceae

21. In lichens, sexual reproduction belongs to

(1) Fungal partner only

(2) Alga partner only

(3) Both Fungal and algal partners

(4) Neither fungal or algal partner

22. If Cowper’s glands are removed, it will affect

(1) Erection of penis

(2) Sperm

(3) Sex recognition

(4) Sexual behaviour

23. In Pteridophytes, meiosis occurs in

(1) Egg (2) Zygote

(3) Antherozoids (4) Spore mother cells

24. Which of the following pairs is wrongly matched?

(1) Yeast- ethanol

(2) Streptomycetes – Antibiotic

(3) Coliforms – Vinegar

(4) Methanogens – gobar gas.

25. Identify the parts labelled P, Q, R, and S, and select

the right option about them.

Part-(P) Part-(Q) Part-(R) Part-(S)

A. Epidermis Endothecium Microspore

mother cells



B. Epidermis Endothecium Middle layer Microspore

mother cell

C. Endothecium Epidermis Microspore

mother cells



(1) A (2) B

(3) C (4) D

26. Which one of the following is the product of the dark

reaction photosynthesis?

(1) CO2

(2) ATP

(3) Pyruvic acid

(4) Phosphoglyceraldehyde

27. Which one of the following would occur during bolting?

(1) Uptake of water

(2) Elongation of internodes

(3) Uptake of mineral salts

(4) Extension of lamina

28. Which of the following is not a c9mponent of saliva?

(1) Saliva contains electrolytes Na+, K+, Cl- and HCO3 – ions.

(2) Ptyalin salivary amylase

(3) Mucin, lysozyme and thiocyanate ions

(4) Antibody lgM

29. The cell wall consists of

(1) Lignin, hemicellulose, protein and lipid

(2) Hemicellulose, cellulose, tubulin and lignin

(3) Lignin, hemicellulose, pectin and lipid cellulose

(4) Lignin, hemicellulose, pectin and cellulose

30. In a Mendelian dihybrid cross, the probability of getting

seeds with genotype Rryy, RrYy, rrYy and RrYY in

F2 generation is respectively

(1)    2/16:4/16:1/8:1/8

(2)   2/16:2/16:2/16:2/16

(3)   4/16:4/16:2/16:2/16

(4)   1/8:1/4:2/8:1/16

31. Which one of the following element is not an essential

micronutrient for plant growth?

(1) Zn (2) Cu

(3) Ca (4) Mn

32. If birth and death rates were equal, a zero population

growth rate would result. It is known as

(1) Replacement level

(2) Rate of natural increase

(3) Stable population

(4) Doubling time

33. Menstruation cycle occurs

(1) In all mammals

(2) In eutherian animals

(3) In metatherian animals

(4) In all primates

34. Eutrophication is caused by

(1) Phosphate rocks only

(2) Agricultural fertilizers only

(3) Sewage and phosphate rocks

(4) Sewage and agricultural fertilizers

35. Which type of ovary is found in Liliaceae family?

(1) Superior & monocarpellary

(2) Superior & tricarpellary

(3) Inferior & monocarpellary

(4) Inferior & bicarpellary

36. A Somaclonal variation appears in plants

(1) Growing in polluted soil or water

(2) Expose to gamma rays

(3) Raised in tissue culture

(4) Transformed by recombinant DNA technology

37. In honey bees, the drones are produced from

(1) Unfertilized eggs

(2) Fertilized eggs

(3) Larvae fed by royal jelly

(4) Fasting larvae


38. Active transport of ions by the cell requires

(1) High temperature

(2) ATP

(3) Alkaline pH

(4) Salts

39. The kind of epithelium which form the inner walls of

blood vessels is

(1) Cuboidal epithelium

(2) Columnar epithelium

(3) Ciliated columnar epithelium

(4) Squamous epithelium

40. Which of the following is not an insectivorous plant?

(1) Drosera (2) Nepenthes

(3) Monotropa (4) Utricularia

41. Pregnancy begins with implantation of

(1) Embryo (2) Fertilised ovum

(3) Blastopore (4) Blastocyst

42. The application of biotechnology includes all, except

(1) Biofortified crops

(2) Gene therapy

(3) Molecular diagnostics

(4) Conventional hybridization

43. In an organism, if the normal diploid number of

chromosomes is 8, how many chromatids are present

in each daughter cell at the end of meiosis I

(1) 2 (2) 4

(3) 8 (4) 16

44. Diaphragms are contraceptive devices used by

females. Choose the correct option from the statement

give below:

i. They are introduced into the uterus.

ii. They are placed to cover the cervical region.

iii. They are an example of physical

iv. They are an example of physical barriers.

(1) i and ii (2) i and iii

(3) ii and iii (4) None of these

45. ABA is involved in

(1) Dormancy of seeds

(2) Root elongation

(3) Shoot elongation

(4) Increased cell division

46. Calcitonin

(1) Lowers calcium level in blood

(2) Elevates calcium level in blood

(3) Has no effect on calcium levels

(4) Elevates potassium level in blood

47. Pollination that occurs in closed flowers is known as

(1) Allogamy (2) Cleistogamy

(3) Dicliny (4) Protogyny

48. Cork cambium is developed from

(1) Apical meristem

(2) Intercalary meristem

(3) Primitive meristem

(4) Lateral meristem

49. Which of the following statements regarding

coenzymes and prosthetic group of enzymes is not true?

(1) Both are required for enzyme action

(2) Both can be separated from enzyme by dialysis

(3) Both are organic compounds

(4) Both are no polypeptides

50. Which is not an opiate narcotic?

(1) Amphetamine (2) Morphine

(3) Heroin (4) Pethidine

51. Chloroplast of chalmydomonas is

(1) Collar – shaped

(2) Spiral

(3) Cup – Shaped

(4) Stellate

52. Viral infection is usually absent in

(1) Phloem cells (2) Xylem cells

(3) Pith cells (4) Apical meristem

53. The diagram below shows a cell cycle.

Which of the following process occur during V?

(1) Replication of DNA

(2) Replication of centrioles

(3) Chromosomes condense and become shorter and


(4) High metabolic rate and synthesis of proteins and

cellular organelles

54. Two friends are eating together on dining table. One

of them suddenly starts coughing while swallowing

some food. This coughing would have been due to

improper movement of

(1) Epiglottis (2) Diaphragm

(3) neck (4) Tongue

55. Which one of the following is the first step of


(1) Breakdown of glucose

(2) Phosphorylation of glucose

(3) Conversion of glucose into fructose

(4) Dehydrogenation of glucose

56. In mitochondrial electron transport system

(1) Number of ATP molecules synthesized does not

depend on nature of electron donor

(2) ubiquinone receives reducing equivalents via

FADH2 also

(3) Cytochrome c is a large protein attached to outer

surface of inner mitochondrial membrane

(4) Complex IV has cyt. and cyt.3 but no copper


57. Which of the following branches of biology applies to

both plants and animals?

(1) Entomology (2) Zoology

(3) Bacteriology (4) Taxonomy


58. Name the unlabelled area ‘A’ and ‘B’ of the pie chart

representing the biodiversity showing their

proportionate number of species of major taxa.

(1) A = Bryophytes, B = Gymnosperms

(2) A = Fungi, B = Gymnosperms

(3) A = Pteridophytes, B = Angiosperm

(4) A = Fungi, B =Angiosperms

59. The Montreal Protocol refers to

(1) Persistent organic pollutants

(2) Global warming and climate change

(3) Substances that deplete the ozone layer

(4) Biosafety of genetically modified organism

60. DNA or RNA segment tagged with radioactive

molecule is called

(1) Vector (2) Probe

(3) Clone (4) Plasmid

61. Valium is an example of

(1) Benzodiazephines

(2) Barbiturates

(3) Stimulants

(4) Hallucinogens

62. If a colour- blind man marries a woman who is

homozygous for normal colour vision, the probability

of their son being colour-bling is

(1) 0% (2) 50%

(3) 75% (4) 100%

63. The net pressure gradient that causes the fluid to filter

out from the glomeruli into the capsule is

(1) 50 mm Hg (2) 75 mm Hg

(3) 10 mm Hg (4) 30 mm Hg

64. Find the incorrect pair.

(1) Humans – Ureotelic

(2) Birds – Ureotelic

(3) Lizards – Ureotelic

(4) Whale – Ammonotelic

65. When environmental condition are favourable, then the

population growth curve will be

(1) Hyperbola (2) ‘J’ Shaped

(3) ‘S’ Shaped (4) None of these

66. Which bacteria are utilized in the biogas plant?

(1) Mehanogens (2) Nitrifying

(3) Ammonifying (4) Denitrifying

67. Erythropoiesis may be stimulated by the deficiency of

(1) Iron (2) Oxygen

(3) Protein (4) None of these

68. Apomixis is a type of reproduction that results in the

development of a/an

(1) New seed with fusion of gametes

(2) Embryo from nucellus

(3) New seed without fusion of gametes

(4) Embryo from endosperm

69. Which of the following statement is correct?

(1) Paramoecium and Plasmodium belong to the same

kingdom as that of Penicillium

(2) Lichen is a composite organism formed from the

symbiotic association of an algae and protozoan

(3) yeast used in making bread and beer is fungus

(4) Nostoc and Anabaena are example of protists

70. The largest number of neurons are found in

(1) Brain (2) Retina

(3) Spinal cord (4) Tongue

71. The adsorption of water by hydrophilic compounds like

cellulose and pectin in root hair cell wall is


(1) Diffusion (2) Imbibition

(3) Guttation (4) Osmosis

72. Plasmodesmata are cytoplasmic bridges between

adjacent plant cells, lined by___ and often have


(1) Apoplasm (2) Plasma membrane

(3) Desmosomes (4) ER tubule

73. Which one of the following phenomena supports

Darwin’s concept of natural selection in organic


(1) Development of transgenic animals

(2) Production of ‘Dolly’, the sheep by cloning

(3) prevalence of pesticide resistant insects

(4) Development of organs from ‘Stem cells’ for organ


74. One of the most important functions of botanical garden


(1) One can observe tropical plants there

(2) They allow Ex-situ conservation of germplasm

(3) They provide the natural habitat for wildlife

(4) They provide a beautiful area for recreation

75. Haemocoel is found in

(1) Hydra and Aurelia

(2) Taenia and Ascaris

(3) Cockroach and scorpion

(4) Balanoglossus and Hedmania

76. With the disintegration of corpus luteum, a decrease in

the secretin of _____ hormone occurs.

(1) LH (2) progesterone

(3) LTH (4) FSH

77. Find the odd one out with respect to the function of an


(1) Nutrient cycling (2) Energy flow

(3) Decomposition (4) Stratification

78. The DNA molecule to which the gene of interest is

integrated for cloning is called

(1) Vector (2) REN

(3) Competent cell (4) Transformer


79. In the tissues, high concentration of carbon dioxide

(1) Increases the affinity of haemoglobin to both

oxygen and hydrogen

(2) Increases the affinity of haemoglobin to oxygen

but decreases its affinity to hydrogen

(3) Decreases the affinity of haemoglobin to oxygen

but increases its affinity to hydrogen

(4) Decreases the affinity of hemoglobin to both

oxygen and hydrogen

80. In the C4 pathway

(1) Chloroplasts are of same type

(2) Kranz anatomy occurs where mesophyll have large

chloroplasts whereas bundle sheath have granular


(3) Kranz anatomy occurs where mesophyll have small

chloroplasts whereas bundle sheath have larger

agranular chloroplasts

(4) Kranz anatomy where mesophyll cells are diffuse

81. Chlorophyll is

(1) Soluble in organic solvents

(2) Soluble in water

(3) Soluble in both organic solvents and water

(4) None of these

82. Cut – Pieces of a Bryophyllum leaf, when put into wet

soil, produce new plants.

This phenomenon is called as

(1) Vegetative propagation

(2) Tissue culture

(3) Leaf primordial culture

(4) Meristem culture

83. Innominate is a

(1) Nerve (2) Muscle

(3) Animal (4) Part of skeleton

84. Examples of areas where secondary succession occurs


(1) Abandoned farmlands, newly cooled lava, bare rock

(2) Burned or cut forests, lands that have been flooded

(3) Bare rock, newly created pond or reservoir

(4) Newly created pond, lands that have been floode

85. In negative operon

(1) Inducer binds with repressor

(2) Co- repressor does not bind with repressor

(3) Co- Repressor binds with inducer

(4) cAMP have negative effect on lac operon

86. Choose the correct match w.r.t. the drug, its source,

and its action.

Drug Source Action

(1) Morphine Latex of



Depress brain

activity and is

very effective


(2) Cocaine Erythroxylum


High levels

don’t cause


(3) Heroine Acetylation

of morphine

Used to reduce


(4) Barbiturates Derivative of


Depressed brain

activity and


feelings of


relaxation and


87. Which of the following represents a palindromic

sequence in DNA?

(1) 5’ - GAATTC -3’

3’ – CTTAAG – 5’

(2) 5’ – CCAATG – 3’

3’ – GAATCC – 5’

(3) 5’ – CATTAG – 3’

3’ – GATAAC – 5’

(4) 5’ – GATACC – 3’

3’ – CCTAAG – 5’

88. Wings of the bat, locust and pigeon are an example of

(1) Vestigeal organs

(2) Exoskeletal structures

(3) Homologous organs

(4) Analogous organs

89. Differentiation of shoot is controlled by

(1) High gibberellin: cytokinin ratio

(2) High auxin: cytokinin ratio

(3) High cytokinin: auxin ratio

(4) High gibberellin: auxin ratio

90. The method of sterilization is

(1) Lippes Loop (2) IUD

(3) Implants (4) Tubectomy

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